To download the “7 Tools to Improve Your Relationships” ebook, or listen to the audio recording, scroll down.

relationships_360x360 copy v2I am so thrilled to release this eBook and audio recording, which focuses on providing you with valuable tips to improve all relationships.

Let’s face it, who is not in the process of experiencing some form of relationship challenge? Whether that be intimately, professionally, or even personally, the time is now to improve relationship communication skills, and take your partnership or friendship, to the next level.

7tools3D 3This eBook and audio recording will be of great asset to those who may currently be experiencing feelings of frustration, emotional depletion, anger, anxiety, or fear surrounding a relationship. I provide you with the seven most essential tools for enhancing relationships, which focus upon specific techniques, practices, and exercises that can help you, even in the most intense of times. I hope you enjoy these tips, collected from years of experience in the fields of relationship counseling and healing. Remember, you have the power to shift even the most detrimental of relationships, so long as you practice these 7 key points of awareness.

Click Here to Download the 7 Tools to Improve Your Relationships-2 ebook

Audio Recording:

If you found this helpful and want more, you can access Anahata’s online video course for Maintaining Healthy, Conscious, Relationships here. In this course you will receive the opportunity to Explore Tools, Practices and Perspectives for Maintaining Healthy Personal, Family, Intimate, and Professional Relationships.

Anahata Ananda (2)Anahata Ananda is the Founder of Shamangelic Healing, Sedona, Arizona’s Premier Retreat Center for Shamanic Healing and Spiritual Awakening. Shamanic Healer and Spiritual Counselor, Anahata Ananda, has trained extensively with gifted shamans, energy healers and spiritual teachers from Peru, India, Asia and North America in order to artfully integrate the fields of Spirituality, energy healing, self-empowerment, shamanic teachings, emotional release, couple/family dynamics and visualization techniques. Blending the compassion and tenderness of an Angel with the wisdom and strength of a Shaman, Anahata guides journeys of profound healing and awakening. Her extensive client base spans the globe and includes business professionals, parents, couples, healers and individuals of all ages, who seek to heal and awaken their fullest potential. For more information on private sessions, group retreats, and workshops visit